Case Fatality Rate comparison Covid19 and other similar diseases

CFR of some similar viral diseases are below in percentage:

Seasonal Flu-0.1 %

SARS-10 %

MERS- 34%

COVID19-3.4 %


Case fatality rate is total number of deaths one would expect in 100 cases positive of a particular disease.

From above details one can infer that for seasonal flu one can expect one death in 1000 seasonal flu cases.For SARS ten person dies out of 100 positive cases of SARS.

The worst is in the case of MERS where one can expect 34 deaths from 100 cases.

For covid19 one can expect 34 death in 1000 positive cases.Though this fatility rate may be high when there is disparity in health care facilities arising due to massive increase in cases over a short span of time.

Similarly for H1N1 one can expect 2 deaths out of 10000 positive cases.

If the disease is more contagious there is more chance of increasing its number of cases in short period.In this regards ,comparison of R0 (Pronounced as R NOT) value is compared.More the R0 value of a disease more its communicability.R0 is a mathematical term which indicates how many persons in susceptible(non immunized) got infected by one positive case of a particular disease.R0 is a basic reproduction number.

R0 for the above diseases are following:

Seasonal Flu- 1.3

SARS- 2-5

MERS – 0.8

COVID19 – 2.8

H1N1 – 1.5

It is clear that Coronavirus is fatality is not very high and there are many symptom free cases are also found.But there are some people who are at greater risk of having more severe infection and who should take extra precaution to ptrevent themselves from COVID19 infection.They are:

1.People whore 65 years old or greater.

2.Living in Nursing home or long term care facilities where they may get high dose of infection repeatedly.

3.People with some pre existing medical condition like COPD(Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease,Asthma,Diabetes Melitus,high blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases.

4.People who have weak immune systems such as those who have any immunodeficiency disease or taking steroid for immunosuppression as used in organ transplantation or for other autoimmune diseases.Immunity may be weakened by prolonged starvation or excessive drinking or poor nutrition.


We frequently come across jargon words or abbreviations in covid19 setting ILI AND SARI are jargon for common people

ILI full form is Influenza like illness.It is characterized by all three condition present:

1.Measured fever of 38 degree celsius or more




3.onset within last 10 days.


SARI is Severe Acute Respiratory Infections which is characterized by:

1.History of fever or measured fever of 38 degree celcius or more.




3.onset within last 10 days.


4.Requires Hospitalization

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